More and more it is becoming standard practice for General Contractors to require their subtrades to have in place a Health and Safety program. In fact, many tender opportunities are only available to companies who not only have an H&S program, but also have an Alberta SECOR or COR designation.

The biggest complaint we have heard from small construction-related companies is "how are we supposed to put all of this together ourselves?" Developing a health and safety program that covers all the SECOR requirements can be a daunting task. And finding the time to put together all that paper while you're busy working to grow your business? It certainly seems like an impossible expectation.

KC Solutions is your solution to this dilemma! Our Safety Consultant holds multiple certifications from the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA), including a Health & Safety Administrator certification. She has built safety programs from the ground up for both small and mid-sized construction companies, focusing on creating programs that not only meet the ACSA SECOR requirements but, more importantly, work for the company.

We will work with you to develop a Health and Safety program that is easy to follow, addresses the safety concerns of your business, and looks professional. We will walk you through the elements of your program and ensure you understand your responsibilities and duties under your program so that you will not only obtain your SECOR status, but can also feel assured that you are doing everything you can to ensure you and your workers are safe on the job.

Should your company grow to a size where you need to transition to a full COR designation (i.e. your company employs more than 10 people) you can be assured that the program you have in place is already designed to transition over and you will loose no time in having to re-develop a program that is already working for you.

Safety Program Development